what we believe
Kiama Presbyterian Church is in the Presbytery of the Illawarra, and member of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
We are reformed evangelical church, meaning in simple terms, at the core of our faith, belief and doctrine is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The salvation of God’s people is found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which was accomplished through the cross. Therefore because we believe that Jesus died and rose again, he has once and for all defeated death and defeated the stranglehold of sin that kept us separated from God.
We believe that the bible is inspired by God himself through the Holy Spirit. It tells us of the journey that God has undertaken to reconcile his people back to himself, culminating in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ his Son. We are committed in learning from God’s Word, applying it to our lives and being challenged from how it tells us to live with Christ as our king.
We are committed in prayer to God throughout all situations thus displaying our need to be rescued from sin and showing our utter dependence knowing that God is in control of all situations and nothing is impossible for Him.
We acknowledge that in our sinful state and rebellion to God, Jesus is the only way we can achieve eternal salvation. It is by God’s grace that this is possible and not from anything we can do to earn it on our behalf. For we know it is God’s desire for people to be saved through Jesus’ death and resurrection and therefore it is our desire to help others to be brought to this life-changing news.
Therefore we value and look forward to meeting together regularly to worship God through prayer, through praise and reading through God’s Word so that as brothers and sisters in Christ we can shape our lives around Jesus and encourage one another to live a life focused on the cross. God has given us gifts and talents to use for the proclaiming of the gospel and bringing the good news of Jesus to people who desperately need to hear it. For we believe God is building his eternal kingdom through many people, and realising his kingdom is much bigger than our local community.
This statement has been adapted from the Corowa Presbyterian Church website.